Friday 7 September 2012


Hi friendz today we shall have some knowledge about integrated circuits (abbreviated as IC).Before knowing the definition of ICs we shall know why an IC was developed?
 Now a days integrated circuits are more popular. In the early days some discrete components like capacitor, resistor, diodes, were used to be connected in a definite pattern(using wires) called electronic circuit. As the technology advanced the discrete components were integrated on a single chip this is called integrated circuit.
Integrated Circuit

Now coming to the definition : An IC is one in which a number of circuit elements like resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes etc are fabricated on a small semi conductor chip to perform a complete function.

Classification of Ics:
  1. Classification by Scale of integration:
·        SSI (Small scale integration) : ICs having 0 to 12 components on a single chip. Ex: Logic gates, Flip-flops.
·        MSI (Medium Scale Integration): Ics in this category contains 13 to 99 electronic components on a single chip. Ex: Adders, registers, encoders, multiplexers.
·        LSI (Large scale integration): Ics having 100 to 9999 components in a single chip comes under this category. Ex:Microcontroller, RAMs, ROMs
·        VLSI (Very Large scale Integration): Ics in this have 10000 to 99999 components in a single chip. Ex: Advanced microprocessor, Memory chips.
·        ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration): The components in the Ics of this type are more than 100000. Ex: Single chip Microprocessors, memory chips.
  1. Classification by Structure:
    • Monolithic
    • Film Passive : Thick film and Thin film ics
    • Hybrid Ics

  1. Classification of Ics by function:
  •           Analog Ics
    Analog IC
    • Digital Ics

Digital IC
Advantages of Integrated Circuits:
  • Smaller weight.
  • Low cost
  • Highly reliable
  • Low power consumption
  • Easy replacement

Disadvantages of Integrated circuits:

·        Transformers, inductors can’t e fabricated.
  • Large values of capacitance > 30pF can’t be built.
  • The components in the IC can’t be repaired instead whole IC should be replaced.
  • Not possible to modify circuit parameter

 Hope this was useful .. Keep visiting for exciting posts!!! 

Post ur opinions as comments!!!


  1. nice infor about ic.. keep posting dude....

  2. @Manjunatha.A.B : Thank u for ur comment!!

  3. Very well composed Prasanna, keep up your good work!
    You might be interested in flip chip technology, you
    can read up about it here :

  4. Hi Manjunath...
    Thanks for posting a nice article... Please add more information like working flow, Circuit Diagram of Electronic Integrated Circuits...
